Peaceful Pioneers: Articles, Songs, Links, Photographs, Paintings, Ideas, Reviews, Results, Recipes



The Road of Excess leads to the Palace of Wisdom.
— William Blake

Load every rift with ore.
— John Keats

You must be proud, bold, pleasant, resolute,
And now and then stab, when occasion serves.
— Christopher Marlowe

A book should be as an axe, to break the frozen sea within us.
— Franz Kafka

don’t be so fast,
you’re all you’ve got.
— Rita Dove

It all comes back to that, to my and your ‘fun’—if we but allow the term its full extension; to the production of which no humblest question involved, not even to the shade of a cadence or the position of a comma, is not richly pertinent.
— Henry James

Charming villains have always had a decided social advantage over well-meaning people who chew with their mouths open.
— Miss Manners


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