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1. It is insulting to include Plato with Bush in the same breath. One look at his use of the English language speaks volumes about his intellect.

2. Bush was planning to attack Iraq the moment he got into office to avenge daddy's assassination attempt (per his own staffers). He just needed an excuse. Blair was simply window dressing and will most likely take the fall (Powell too).

3. Notice that Saddam Hussein is nowhere to be found? It's because he will be trotted out (most likely late summer) and used as a reelection ploy to whip up the right prior to elections. No need now. (see the P.S. below as to actual timing)

4. This whole thing about Bush's military service will probably sink him once and for all. Even on the surface, it smacks of preferential treatment. Sources note that hundreds (maybe thousands) were in line to get that plum assignment. Guess who went to the front of the line? Even worse, the guy who ran his group had "no recollection" of his presence - ever. Look for that guy to "disappear." And to say that this cowboy "correctly and competently completed his military service" for getting paid for six lousy days is beyond outrageous. The most telling part of this will be the location of anyone (and I mean anyone) who remembers that Bush actually showed up at all.


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